Trend Spotting - Great sitez

I would like to introduce two of my favorite sites for ideas and resources.

The first is called Springwise and has the most comprehensive details about new sites and new ideas and new take offs occurring all over the world right this minute.
It's up to date, new and exciting and is really well designed and so easy to navigate and find out useful and interesting information.

The second is it's sister site which is called TrendWatching this one is less free then the first site Springwise and contains more detailed information about whats going on where and whats likely to catch on in the future.
It provides this information so you can be sure to stay one head a step of the game.

These sites are really worth the time and even investment to have a look through, I can't say enough good things about them.
You can even be a spotter on behalf of the website and earn yourself credit and points.

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